Guru Network Insider Updates - October 4 2024
Guru Network App Release, Move to Base Chain, Roadmap Progress, Guru Insight Exchange, Hackathon, partnerships and more

Here is a brief summary of the key points from the Guru Network CEO's AMA:
Guru Network App Release
- Last week, Guru Network released our second Telegram mini app called the Guru App, which is part of our open source framework for building web3 and AI apps.
- The app has statistics on the Guru testnet, quests, a GPT assistant, and an automation section.
Move to Base Chain
- Guru Network plans to move liquidity to the Base blockchain, as it was always intended to be a Layer 3 solution on Base that connects web3, AI, and user context. UPDATE: GURU token is now on the Base blockchain within Uniswap V3 ETH/GURU pool
- We are creating a liquid market for the $GURU token on Base, which is crucial as a Layer 3.
Roadmap Progress
- Guru Network is making steady progress on our roadmap published in June, having already launched tools like GPT agents, image/token generation, and low-code processors.
- The main remaining items are: 1) introducing governance mechanisms through our apps and 2)the mainnet launch.
Guru Insight Exchange
- An exciting new development called Guru Insight Exchange aims to allow domain experts to create monetizable AI-powered knowledge bases that users can query.
- This keeps the knowledge bases under the control of the creators without exposing raw data, and rewards creators when their knowledge is accessed, implementing Atomic Franchise Mechanism.
Upcoming Initiatives
- Guru Network is preparing for a hackathon in late October focused on our open source framework for building user-facing apps and bots.
- We are working on a data science competition as part of the hackathon, integrating Jupyter notebooks into our Data Warehouse.
- Partnerships with other blockchains like Graphlinq are expanding Guru Network's multi-chain web3 automation and computing capabilities.
Our CEO Evgeny Vakhteev emphasized that while the mainnet launch is tentatively planned for October, establishing a liquid market for the $GURU token on Base is the current priority.
More technical deep dives into Guru Network's technologies - (for example, discussing RAG and Guru Insight Exchange proposal) are planned for future AMAs.
Stay tuned, get rewards in Guru App and feel free to join our Telegram chat to discuss anything you want to know.